Ready to receive detailed feedback on your writing? I’ve just opened a few slots for Fall 2024 and am eager to read what you’re working on! Though at times I provide feedback or editing on short fiction or essays, I typically work with people on longer-term projects, with a focus on literary fiction and memoir. Writing coaching sessions with me are like book therapy.

How writing coaching works

Typically, writers work with me for 3-month blocks, which are often extended depending on their needs and availability.

  • Scheduling We tend to schedule meetings for every other week (or, twice a month).

  • Pages 48 hours before our first meeting, the writer sends me up to 25 pages (12 pt font, double spaced) on which I will provide written feedback

  • Book Therapy — During our meetings, we’ll talk about some of my feedback and save a lot of time for your questions. A lot of times, writers talk through their biggest writing roadblocks, and I ask questions and share ideas or insights (especially, on themes, structure, and big picture storytelling stuff)

  • Timeframe — I tend to schedule coaching in 3-month time frames to keep meetings moving and things on track, (and of course am flexible based on the writers' needs). 

  • One-time, try-it-out meeting — Sometimes we start off with a one-time meeting to get the ball rolling and see how it feels before signing up for 3 months. That's is a $100 fee, where I read up to 20 pages of your work and mark it with feedback, then we schedule a 1-hour meeting to review that feedback and my suggestions/your questions on how to move forward.

Other stuff

  • Times dependent on your and my schedule. Message me to chat about times & rates

  • Coaching provides regular accountability, feedback and a way forward with your work

  • Customized suggested reading

1-on-1 sessions

For writers interested in more frequent and ongoing feedback on their work.

New 1-on-1 Sessions & Manuscript Consultations Open for Fall ‘24

Manuscript Consultations

For writers interested in feedback on their full manuscript

  • Message me to inquire about rates and scheduling!

Message me about your work

What students are saying…

"Hands down - Best writing class that I’ve taken at Literary Arts."

— Literary Arts student

“Thank you Michelle. You have no idea how much this class means to me.”

— Portland Community College student

 “I just wanted to say thank you, and share with you how you are bringing people together…I just wanted to be sure you knew. I think you are an excellent leader.”

— Portland Community College student

"Michelle Kicherer is a truly gifted teacher of writing! She usually started class with a very practical craft/style lecture based on short reading assignments - so fun and engaging to dig deep and consider each example-writer's way in the world! Michelle followed up with exciting and surprising in-class prompts that brought out the best in everyone. It was such a pleasure to see fellow classmates blossom in this creative and supportive environment. Each student discovered material they had no idea was inside of them. Michelle is disarming, charming, crazy smart and also very funny. Thanks Michelle!"

— Literary Arts student

“Michelle's Fiction Technique in Memoir class is thoughtfully, intelligently designed, and gracefully delivered. I have been in grad seminars where I have learned less. Small things she does throughout the class reveal her dedication to her craft (keeping notes on students' work, and tweaking the class material based on student feedback). She's the sort of teacher where you know you're just getting the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the wealth of her knowledge. She offers kind but helpful feedback and starts class with thought-provoking, unique prompts.” 

— Tasha S., Writing Workshops student

“I got exactly what I needed from Michelle's class! Through the reading and writing prompts discussed with the class, I was able to tackle my own writing project from all kinds of different angles I never would have thought of on my own.”

— Emily R., Writing Workshops student

“If you're struggling with your memoir, I urge you to take a course with Michelle! We examined published memoirs, looked at what worked, what didn't and why. We examined our own memoirs with others in the group in a supportive and analytical process. Her suggestions about my work are tremendously helpful.  Michelle is an insightful, humorous and thoughtful teacher. She's inspired me to write consistently, no easy task. Thank you, Michelle.” 

— Karen K.

“Michelle, thanks again and again. It’s been delightful to work with you and receive such helpful suggestions, skilled editing, and ongoing encouragement. You’ve fed my writing in more ways than you could ever know, or imagine.”

— Geri O., Litquake student

“Michelle, this has been the workshop which transformed my whole understanding of writing. I have so admired your gentle style (combined with your superpower insight and incredible edits!) I will definitely be in a future class of yours. I am so grateful to have been in this class.”

— Rob B., Writing Workshops student